
Freitag, 22. April 2016


Anfang der 80-er Jahre standen in der Main-Post auf der Titelseite Berichte über türkische Brautentführungsgepflogenheiten in Bad Mergentheim, die dort die Polizei und die Gerichte beschäftigten. Khomeini beherrschte seit Jahren den Iran. Alle anderen Halunken, von Saddam Hussein über Muammar al-Gaddafi bis Kenan Evren, trieben bereits damals ihr Unwesen.

Trotzdem dauerte es fast 40 Jahre, bis endlich jemand mit Überzeugung die Ansicht vertritt, dass der Islam ein Fremdkörper in unserer Kultur darstellt?

Die Kapitulation vor dem eigenen Versagen hat längst stattgefunden.

"Turks' doubts about whether they can ever feel at home in Germany have become a near-certainty. Germans and Turks will never become friends, they are step-siblings.
The true father of the Turks, including those who live in Germany, is President Erdogan. For many of them, he is the savior of a new and self-confident Turkish nation that no longer takes the world's abuse. Turks in Germany believe that you can't depend on the Germans, and if there is anybody who truly looks after our interests, it's our President Erdogan.
If you want to understand why Erdogan so successfully fulfills the longing for a reinvigorated greater Turkish state inspired by the Ottoman Empire, you need to consider the historical background. For years, Turkey was run by elitist circles made up of spiritual and ethical followers of Kemalism. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk turned the structures of Turkey on their heads while taking away the central pillar of its continued independent development. The former superpower became a Europe-oriented republic. The affairs of the state were separated from religion. Since the beginning of his rise, Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been obsessed with the idea of replacing the hegemony of post-Atatürk republican Turkey with a seemingly libertarian-Muslim social order."   Schlitzohr Serdar Somuncu am 22. 4. 2016

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